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WHAT IS MAKING? It is a new term for an old thing. It is not simply 3D printing, Arduino, Rasberry PI, LED's, robots, laser and vinyl cutters, carpentry, welding, sculpting, duct tape and drones. It is also writing, dance, film making, singing, photography, and cosplay. (It also uses skills such as design, engineering and craft). Every single time you make something from you, that didn't exist in the world, YOU ARE MAKING. Making is important, it is empowering, it is invigorating.


WHY MAKE? There are lots of results that come from making. We improve the world around us. We show people how much we care about them. We solve problems, both personal and societal.


WHY IS MAKING GOOD FOR KIDS? Nothing ever goes according to plan. Makers know that when you set out to make something, what you end up with is never quite what you set out to make. When it's really good, it's so much better than what you expected. It's cooler than you thought you could make something and it informs you, and it teaches you... The truth is though, we all fail sometimes. Every Maker in the world feels discouragement when they fail and that's actually part of the process. The failure doesn't just go away. During EVERY SINGLE PROJECT you feel this way at some point, even when your older and better at the process.


WHY TEACH MAKING? Facts without context are just noise. They don't make us better citizens or better stewards of our culture. Teachers put facts into context for you, they put them into a story that helps you make sense of the world. The world is a cool place, and we are insignificant. Sorry kids, it's totally true. Life will be full of strife, hurt, disappointment and failure. Making is how we teach kids to find the path. It's how we learn to deal with life. The joke, about how do you get to Carnegie Hall - Practice, practice, practice - failure requires practice too. We have to practice to fail better. The trick is don't give up. Keep showing up every day. Support others. Make things that you are enthusiastic about.


- Loosely quoted from

Adam Savage's speech 

(linked above)




Interested in VR (virtual reality) like Oculus Rift, or MR (mixed reality) like Microsoft Halo Lens? Read this story about the virtual future!


What's new in the world of Tech in 2016? AI, Self Driving Cars, Better 

Batteries, Optogentics, Solar Cells, 2D Nano Materials, and more!





Leonardo Da Vinci - Parachute/Helicopter/Tank


Nikola Tesla - AC Power/fluorescent bulbs/X-ray/Radio/Remote Control/Electric Motor/Laser/Wireless Communication & Energy


Archimedes -  Lever/Screw Pump/Compound Pulley


Ben Franklin - Bifocals/Swim fins/Electricty


Galileo - The Thermometer/Telescope


Sir Isaac Newton


James Watt 


Alessandro Volta


Charles Babbage


Michael Faraday


Samuel Morse


William Talbot


Kirkpatrick Macmillan


Percy Spencer


Hedy Lamarr


James Clerk Maxwell


Karl Benz


William Sturgeon


Thomas Edison


Alexander Bell 


Alice Parker


The Wright Brothers


Richard Buckminster Fuller


Alan Turing


John Logie Baird


Philo T. Farnsworth


Enrico Fermi


Blaise Pascal


Louis Braille


Leo Baekeland


Florence Parpart


Douglas Engelbart


Ada Lovelace


Stephanie Kwolek


Alva Fisher


Johnnas Gutenberg


Josephine Cochrane


Tabitha Babbitt


Paul Cornu - Helicopter


Steve Jobs - Apple Computers, Ipod, Ipad, Iphone


Aaron Swartz - RSS/Creative Commons/Reddit/Demand Progress


Auguste and Louis Lumiere - Cinematography


Rem Koolhaas


Zaha Hadid


Charles and Ray Eames


Alvin Lustig


Edwin Howard Armstrong - FM Radio


Chester Thordarson - Transformer/Inductor







Leonardo Da Vinci - Renaissance


Marcel Duchamp - Dada


Alexander Calder - The Mobile






Dr Shirley Jackson


Robert Noyce


Tim Berners Lee


Steve Wozniak


Bill Gates


Ted Hoff


Stephen Hawking


Jacque Fresco


Charles Hull


Martin Coope


Chris Anderson - 3D Robotics


Elon Musk - Tesla


Ayah Bdeir - Little Bits


Peter Weijmarshausen - Shapeways


Boyan Slat - The Ocean Cleanup


Andrew Turton & Pete Ceglinski - Seabin


Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook


Federico Faggin - Microprocessor


Bram Cohen - BitTorrent


Larry Page - Google


James Dyson - Vacuum/Silent Fan


Alex Kipman - Kinect/Microsoft Holo Lens


Rony Abovitz - Mako/Magic Leap


Ken Bretschneider, Curtis Hickman & James Jensen - The Void Gaming System


Adam Savage & Jamie Hyneman - Mythbusters/Tested


Palmer Luckey - Oculus Rift
















































Ai Weiwei - Social Justice Art


Banksy - Street Art


Brandon Stanton - Humans of New York


Stan Lee - Marvel


Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg - Cinemagraph


Simon Giertz - Artist/Inventor
















Limor Fried


Dale Dougherty


Nathan Seidle


Sylvia Todd - Super Awesome Maker Show!


Zach Kaplan - Inventables


 Neil Gershenfeld - Fab Lab


Mark Hatch & Jim Newton - Tech Shop


Paul Allen - Microsoft/Vulcan



Albert Einstien - Theory of Relativity/Quantum Theory of Light


Archimedes - Geomety/Calculus/PI


David Sinclair - Resveratrol/Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)




Aleksandr Rodchenko - Graphic Design​


Paul Rand - Graphic Design


Saul Bass - Graphic Design


Stefan Sagmeister- Graphic Design


David Carson- Graphic Design


Milton Glaser - Graphic Design


Coco Chanel - Fashion Design


Massimo Vignelli - Product Design


Dieter Rams - Product Design


Arne Jacobsen - Architecture/Product Design


Philippe Starck - Architecture/Product Design


Marcel Breuer - Architecture/Product Design


Jonathan Ive - Apple Product Design


Frank Gehry - Architetcure


Frank Lloyd Wright - Architetcure


Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - Architetcure


Le Corbusier - Architetcure


Antonio Gaudi - Architetcure


Santiago Calatrava - Architetcure



Alfred Hitchcock

Orson Welles

Stanley Kubrick

Steven Spielberg

Martin Scorsese

Francis Ford Coppola

George Lucas - Star Wars/Industrial Light & Magic

Peter Jackson - LOTR/WETA

J.J Abrams - 

Wes Anderson

Ang Lee

Christopher Nolan

Alejandro González Iñárritu

The Coen Brothers

Quentin Tarantino

David Fincher

Martin Scorsese

Walt Disney



Frank Zappa - Electronica/Music Streaming

Robert Moog - Moog Synthesizer

Léon Theremin - Theremin

Ben Franklin - Glass Armonica

Mike Butera - Artiphon

Will Glaser, Jon Kraft and Tim Westergren - Pandora

Daniel Ek & Martin Lorentzon - Spotify



Kenichiro Ashida - Nintendo GameCube/Wii





Tony Swatton - Blacksmith (Man at Arms)



Philip K. Dick

Arthur C. Clarke



Angus McGyver - McGyver

Major Boothroyd "Q" - James Bond

“Invention is the most important product of man's creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs."


-Nikola Tesla


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